Monday, 16 February 2009


If someone reads your blog and doesn't comment does it make a sound?


Anonymous said...

Were listening, not speaking....

Incedentally, if someone gets a C in English, do people still want to read his now shitty blog...?

GemmTwineyy said...

Don't worry can't be as bad as me, I got an E :(
I'm sure i'll do better!! Not you fault Doug Man!

Trust. :D

Suz said...

Rob, your blog isn't shitty, it's just too friggin long! I can't keep up, as for me, I'm not too happy with my B, maybe I should pay more attention in class :) sorry dougs

Suz said...

Oh, and to comment on what the post actually says, your blog is as loud as you can make it, but only those who choose to listen can hear it.

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I now feel dirty upon recieving my result? erghhh cant write anything....

J. Robert Douglas said...

Thanks guys. Don't just for help though about your C, just complain on a blog.

J. Robert Douglas said...

"your blog is as loud as you can make it, but only those who choose to listen can hear it." Never a truer word was said.

I think we all need to pay more attention in class, maybe none more so than me!

The thing is, and some of you can choose to ignore it if you want and blame others, whatever the grade was we now have a point to work from- and most importantly move up from. Everyone will get what they deserve, and you all deserve to do well, there will be no underachievement unless the effort is not put in.

I am done with this topic, I had enough of all the stories of people talking crap about me today. If you have a problem with how I roll then tell me straight. We done. Brush off, move on.

(this is not aimed at you Gemma- trust, we good.)

GemmTwineyy said...

Sooo youu finally decided to forgivee mee!!
But as you can see my comment does say clearly:

I'm sure i'll do better!! NOT YOUR FAULT DOUG MAN!


There we go i wasn't blamingg you!! silly billyy!!

Woop english tomoroooo!!

The tension with lennie is growing!! :(

olewis said...

thanks to you i got a D, hope you're happy now that you've single-handedly ruined my future

GemmTwineyy said...

Owenn that's harsh i think you single handedly ruined your own future!!

Don't be mean noww,, i dont want any arguments tomoro!!

GemmTwineyy said...

I think tomorow you should stand at the front of the class and read out a full written apology to dougiee!!

Who agreess?

J. Robert Douglas said...

I agree. Trust. Shooey!!

GemmTwineyy said...

Id like to be under the sea in an...............

one of our many quotes we have!!


The Creamy Bloggers said...

Some say this man is myth, others a pure legend. All i know is our results were poor!

olewis said...

I will never apologize for my comments, and i'm genuinly offended that feel that way about me, plus I didn't screw up my own future Gemma!

The Creamy Bloggers said...


olewis said...

Try it and I'll machete your arms off Josh!